Texas Navy Association

Sam Houston Squadron

Location: Lakewood Yacht Club, Seabrook, Texas  

If you are a Texas Navy Admiral and a member of Lakewood Yacht Club or a reciprocal club to Lakewood Yacht Club, and are interested in joining the Sam Houston Squadron please contact Squadron Commander Admiral John L Ebeling via homeport@texasnavy.com

For Events Calendar click HERE 


Commander    Admiral Linda Elting

Deputy Commander Admiral Pam Arnold

Secretary Admiral Chris Shaw

Treasurer Admiral Mike DeHart

TNA Representative Admiral Mike DeHart

Adjutant Admiral John Barnett

Disclaimer:  The Media posted to these pages is the sole property and responsibility of the Squadron posting the material. Texas Navy Association has no responsibility or liability nor editorial input, for any form of Media posted. Texas Navy Association does not endorse or promote any views represented by material posted on a specific Squadron page nor is the Texas Navy Association responsible for any copy write or source material contained in a posting.  Squadrons are independent from the Texas Navy Association and operate under “approved affiliation” and cooperation as approved by the Texas Navy Association. “This statement may be reviewed and updated as needed.

2020 © Texas Navy Association
6341 Stewart Road #102
Galveston, Texas 77551

Contact Us: Homeport@TexasNavy.com 

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