Texas Navy Association

E.W. Moore Squadron

  • 08 Jan 2017
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Texas Land & Cattle’s Longhorn Room, 6007 N I H 35, Austin, TX 78723

Happy New Year Admirals & Line Officers All!

Just a reminder of our E. W. Moore Squadron’s January 8th Quarterly Meeting (this Sunday) at Texas Land & Cattle’s Longhorn Room sharply at 1300 hours (1 PM)! We will secure at 1500 hours (3 PM).

Jeff Hunt, Director of Texas Military Forces Museum, will be our guest speaker sharing with us information on the Texas Navy display featured in the museum and how we can help support it.

I am thrilled to share with you that we will have several new Admirals receiving their commission at this meeting. Our squadron is growing!!!!

Past Commander Larry Schroeder will be sharing his plans for the E. W. Moore Squadron setting up The Texas Navy table at the upcoming Washington on the Brazos – Texas Independence Day Celebration March 4th through the 5th , from 10 AM to 5 PM, in just a few short months. It is a Saturday and Sunday and he is in contact with them to register now. This year we are want to put a display in the City of Navasota to support their festivities too. So we need all hands on deck to share the proud history of The Texas Navy!

------NOW HEAR THIS-----

E. W. Moore Squadron dues are now payable. Please send your 2017 E. W. Moore Squadron $24.00 dues to Wayne Courreges, P. O. Box 9266, Austin, TX 78766 or give your check to me at our January 8th quarterly meeting. Your membership allows us to broaden the things our squadron can financially support in our community now and in the future to share The Texas Navy story. Thank you for being an active member of the E. W. Moore Squadron! Please make your check out to “Moore Squadron Texas Navy”.

If you want to be an active member of “The Texas Navy Association,” please send the $40.00 annual membership dues to 4642 Waring Street, Houston, TX 77027. You must hold a commission as Admiral in the Texas Navy which is awarded by the Governor of Texas. Email your resume/bio to membershipadmin@texasnavy.com along with a copy/photo of your commission certificate if you are joining. Not necessary if you are renewing membership.

Your membership and support is so very much appreciated!!!!

Wishing you fair winds and calm seas always,

Admiral Wayne

2020 © Texas Navy Association
6341 Stewart Road #102
Galveston, Texas 77551

Contact Us: Homeport@TexasNavy.com 

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