New Moore Squadron Home Port Announcement
4:09 PM (19 hours ago)
to Moore
Season’s Greetings Admirals and Line Officers All!
Prepare to set your sails next month for our quarterly E. W. Moore Squadron meeting Sunday, January 14th, at 1300 hours (1 PM) at Big Daddy’s Burgers & Bar, 9070 Research Blvd., Suite 101, Austin, TX 78758 in the Crossroads Center near Hwy 183 and Burnet Road.
This is our squadron’s new Home Port and we are grateful to Jeff Musil, Owner/Operator, for allowing us to meet in his “Raider Room” for our future quarterly meetings. Jeff is allowing us to hold our quarterly meetings at Big Daddy’s at no charge. All he asks is that those attending please enjoy their menu items:
Our honored guest speaker is Dr. Frank De la Tejas speaking about the “Texas & Mexican Navies and the Yucatan.”
We will secure at 1500 hours (3 PM) as is our tradition.
This email is just to let you know that we have reached an agreement with Big Daddy’s and we are grateful for it so you can plan accordingly!
More to come……
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wayne A. Courreges Jr.
Edwin Ward Moore Squadron
Texas Navy Association