Tom Toby Squadron Date:
May 10, 2018
Commander in Chief: Honorable Gregg Abbott
Commander: Admiral Jeff Corbin
Vice Commander: Admiral John Martin
Executive Officer: Admiral Paul Powell
Treasurer: Admiral Rick Powell
Chaplain: Admiral Joe R. Davidson, KSJ
Past Commander: Admiral Ron Brown KSJ
Location: Houston Maritime Museum Address: 2204 Dorrington Street Houston, TX 77030 Phone: (281) 479-1521
Plenty of parking across the street
Finger foods, water and soft drinks will be served. Donations appreciated.
Pledges to the Flags
Special mention: San Jacinto Day, Texas Navy Museum Exhibit USS Lexington, Texas Navy Film Opening remarks: Admiral Jeff Corbin
Keynote speaker
Please RSVP to: Admiral Jeff Corbin or Admiral John Martin 6:30-7:00 Meet and Greet 7:00-8:00 Meeting